Sunday, November 6, 2011

Week 11

Since we are now focusing on surface design I thought I would look to the world around me for inspiration. More specifically, New York City. Though I am not a pessimist I began looking at the ground and found surface design all over the concrete and metal that New Yorkers unknowingly march all over. I acknowledge this are very art school-esque but bear with me.

Many may admire the design of fliers posted or graffiti, however some anonymous artist found a much more innovative way to apply surface design to a telephone pole. Using colorful zip-ties this creature created street art that did not deface any property. One could remove the instillation though when faced with the decision I feel it is highly unlikely as I personally feel this improves the environment. Many complain about grafitti defacing property, how would they react if they had the option to remove it?

Keith Haring, most well known for his cartoonish characters, has entered the commercial market using those motifs for surface designs. Starting with jewelry then clothing he is now so common that you can stop by any Duane Reade and pick up a bib for your artsy tot.

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